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API reference

Through Twikoo API, theme developers can implement some special features, such as displaying the number of article comments in the article list, displaying the latest comments on the home page, etc.

It is not necessary to execute twikoo.init() before calling the Twikoo API.

Get comments count

Get the number of article comments in batch.


>= 0.2.7


  envId: 'Environment ID', // Tencent CloudBase Environment ID
  // region: 'ap-guangzhou', // Environment locale, default is ap-shanghai, if your environment locale is not Shanghai, you need to pass this parameter
  urls: [ // List of article paths without protocols, domains and parameters. It is a mandatory parameter
  includeReply: false // Whether the number of comments includes replies, the default parameter is false
}).then(function (res) {
  // example: [
  //   { url: '/2020/10/post-1.html', count: 10 },
  //   { url: '/2020/11/post-2.html', count: 0 },
  //   { url: '/2020/12/post-3.html', count: 20 }
  // ]
}).catch(function (err) {
  // If an error occurs

Get recent comments

Get the latest comments.


>= 0.2.7


  envId: '您的环境id', // Tencent CloudBase Environment ID
  // region: 'ap-guangzhou', // Environment locale, default is ap-shanghai, if your environment locale is not Shanghai, you need to pass this parameter
  pageSize: 10, // Get how many bars, the default parameter is 10, the maximum parameter is 100
  includeReply: false // Whether to include the latest reply, the default parameter is false
}).then(function (res) {
  // Returns Array with the latest comments
  // * id: comment ID
  // * url: address of the comment
  // * nick: nickname
  // * mailMd5: The MD5 value of the mailbox, which can be used to display the avatar
  // * link: URL
  // * comment: the content of the comment in HTML format
  // * commentText: comment content in plain text format
  // * created: comment time, in millisecond timestamp format
  // * avatar: the address of the avatar (new in 0.2.9)
  // * relativeTime: relative comment time, e.g. "1 hour ago" (new in 0.2.9)
  // Return example: [ // order from new to old
  // { id: '', url: '', nick: '', mailMd5: '', link: '', comment: '', commentText: '', created: 0 }
  // { id: '', url: '', nick: '', mailMd5: '', link: '', comment: '', commentText: '', created: 0 },
  // { id: '', url: '', nick: '', mailMd5: '', link: '', comment: '', commentText: '', created: 0 }
  // ]
}).catch(function (err) {
  // If an error occurs

On Twikoo loaded

Callback function after Twikoo is successfully mounted.
It will not be triggered in case of environment ID error, network exception, mount failure, etc.


>= 0.5.2


}).then(function () {
  console.log('Twikoo is ready to go!');

On comment loaded

Callback function after comments are loaded successfully.
It will also be triggered when the comment is automatically refreshed after posting and when the next page of comments is loaded.
It will not be triggered when the comment fails to load.


>= 0.5.2


  onCommentLoaded: function () {
    console.log('Comment loading complete');

Released under the MIT License.